Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Download WinRAR 5.00 Beta 4 Full With Key

WinRAR 5.00 Beta 4 Full With Key - Winrar ini berfungsi untuk mengekstrak beberapa macam file yang memiliki ektensi yang ditentukan, biasanya winrar digunakan pada kalian untuk mengekstrak file .rar, .zip, sebenernya masih banyak lagi macamnya hanya saja umumnya yang diketahui hanya itu saja. untuk lebih lengkapnya bisa baca keterangan dibawah ini.

What's new in WinRAR 5.00 Beta:
  • New RAR 5.0 archiving format. You can use "RAR 5.0" option in archiving dialog or -ma command line switch to create RAR 5.0 archives.
  • Older software including older WinRAR versions is not able to decompress RAR 5.0 archives, so if you plan to send an archive to other people, it is necessary to take the compatibility issue into consideration. You can select "RAR" instead of "RAR5" option in archiving dialog to create RAR 4.x archives compatible with previous WinRAR versions.
Changes in RAR 5.0 compression algorithm:
  • maximum compression dictionary size is increased up to 1 GB in 64 bit WinRAR. 32 bit WinRAR version can use up to 256 MB dictionary when creating an archive. Both 32 bit and 64 bit versions can unpack archives with any dictionary size, including 1 GB;
  • default dictionary size for RAR 5.0 is 32 MB, typically resulting in higher compression ratio and lower speed than RAR 4.x 4 MB. You can use "Dictionary size" archiving dialog option or -md switch to change this value;
  • RAR 5.0 decompression can utilize several CPU cores. Though not to same extent as in compression algorithm, it improves the decompression speed on large files with poorly compressible data or when using BLAKE2 checksums. [FULL RELEASE NOTES]http://www.rarlab.com/rarnew.htm
What's new in Beta 4:
  • If archiving operation cannot allocate memory required for compression dictionary, it automatically reduces the dictionary size.
  • Decompression algorithm can store the dictionary in several memory blocks. It helps to unpack an archive on systems with high level of memory heap fragmentation, when no single memory block is large enough to fit the entire compression dictionary.
Silahkan untuk mendownload Winrar gratis bisa klik link berikut ini,

Password :www.wongzo.blogspot.com

Terima Kasih.

Jual Aneka Kemeja, Kaos, Polo Shirt Murah Berkualitas

Ditulis Oleh : Benny Dwi Hari: Rabu, Mei 22, 2013 Kategori:

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